Company Location Amount Technology Focus (Date)
(C$, M)*
Base4 Bioinformatics Inc. Toronto 4.5 Bioinformatics (1/98)
GlycoDesign Inc. Toronto 16.35 Carbohydrate-based thera-
peutics (5/98)
MethylGene Inc. Montreal 15.8 Antisense technologies (3/98)
Morphometrix Inc. Toronto 13 Automated analyzer for
Pap smears (6/98)
Neurochem Inc. Montreal 10 Alzheimer's disease
therapeutics (4/98)
RTP Pharma Inc. Montreal 20** Insoluble drug delivery
technology (6/98)
Synapse Technologies Inc. Vancouver, 5 Alzheimer's disease
British Columbia diagnostics (4/98)
Theralipids Inc. Montreal 3.9 Novel antibiotics (5/98)
TOTAL: C$88.55M
* Amounts are quoted in Canadian dollars. The exchange rate on 9/10/98 was C$1.52/US$1.
** RTP Pharma Inc. received C$14.6M in financing in 6/98, followed by an additional C$5.4M, for an aggregate of C$20M raised in two transactions.