Xoma Corp. announced that Neuprex, itsrecombinant bactericidal/permeability-increasingprotein (rBPI), has been shown to favorablyaffect endotoxin-mediated response in arandomized, placebo-controlled Phase I/II trial.Trial results were announced at the ThirdInternational Congress on the ImmuneConsequences of Trauma, Shock and Sepsis inMunich, Germany.The trial looked at the release of tumor necrosisfactor, interleukin-6 and interleukin-8 in eighthealthy volunteers infected with a small dose ofendotoxin. The significantly lower levels of theseendotoxin-mediated responses in patientstreated with Neuprex led the company toconclude that its rBPI is effective in counteringthe infection. Placebo and treatment groupswere reversed several weeks later and patientswere given another dose of endotoxin, acting astheir own controls.According to Xoma, it was also found thatNeuprex reduced endotoxin-induced activationof the coagulation and fibrinolysis systems.Treated patients had lower circulating endotoxinlevels than patients on placebo, and no subjectsdeveloped antibodies to the rBPI, the Berkeley,Calif., company said.Xoma (NASDAQ:XOMA) is evaluating Neuprexas a treatment for adult respiratory distresssyndrome, Gram-negative pneumonia andsepsis, hemorrhagic shock and chronic lunginfections in cystic fibrosis patients. Thecompany hopes to begin Phase II testing laterthis year. Karl A. Thiel

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