(Country; Symbol)
(Country;  Symbol)
Type/Product Area Terms/Details (Date)

MDRNA Inc. (MRNA) RiboTask ApS (Denmark) Agreement to eliminate all downstream financial consideration resulting from collaborations established between MDRNA and potential partners, which gives MDRNA full financial and transactional control of its UNA technology The UNA platform is designed to provide drug-like properties to an siRNA; terms were not disclosed (6/19)
DermTech Inc.* Stiefel Laboratories  Inc.* Feasibility study to identify genetic markers associated with acne Financial terms were not disclosed (7/15)
OSI Pharmaceuticals Inc. (OSIP) AVEO Pharmaceuticals Inc.*  Expanded drug discovery and translational research partnership developing therapies that target the underlying mechanisms of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in cancer and datasets of associated patient selection biomarkers OSI will pay AVEO $20M at closing, $5M of which is an up-front cash payment and $15M for the purchase of additional equity in AVEO; OSI also will provide research funding over the next two years, and gains rights, beyond the original deal, to EMT targets and increased access to AVEO technology (7/21)


* Private companies are indicated with an asterisk.

Unless otherwise noted, stock symbols listed are on the Nasdaq market.