Company** University/Agency/ Type Of Product Area Details (Month)
Nonprofit [Scientist] Agreement
Advanced Viral National Cancer Cooperative Research on anti- Original agreement, from 3/97,
Research Corp. Institute (NCI) of Research and tumor activity and was extended for 1 year to 3/99
(OTC Bulletin the National Development anti-inflammatory (3/98)
Board:ADVR) Institutes of Health Agreement/ activity of Reticulose
[Howard Young] Material Transfer (a peptide nucleic
Agreement acid product)
Affymetrix Inc. Howard Hughes Supply Subscription-based Howard Hughes investigators get
Medical Institute agreement academic Easy- broad access to GeneChip probe
Access supply arrays, instrumentation and soft-
agreement for ware to use in fundamental bio-
custom and standard medical research; 2.5-year agree-
GeneChip expres- ment; Affymetrix gets subscrip-
sion monitoring tion fees and fixed per-chip fees
probe arrays with a volume commitment from
Howard Hughes (4/98)
Allergene Inc.* University of License T cell receptor Allergene acquired rights to pep-
Arizona peptide (ALG889) tide and expects to begin Phase
[Jack Marchalonis; that can reverse I/II trials in AIDS by end of year
Ronald Watson] some of immune (5/98)
system abnormalities
found in HIV infection
and other immune
Amrad Corp. University of Research Establishment of Tasmania has an isolated, inbred
(Australia) Tasmania, Menzies collaboration genetic epidemiol- population with existence of
Centre for Population ogy unit to conduct multigenerational historical
Health Research research on Tasma- records; Amrad will provide
[Terry Dwyer] nian families for dis- A$2.5M (US$1.5M) over 5 years
ease genes; initial to set up unit; Amrad has
targets include option to commercialize any drugs
osteoporosis, multi- or technology that result; Menzies
ple sclerosis and Centre gets royalties (1/98)
ArQule Inc. Beth Israel Dea- Sponsored Therapeutics for ArQule will assess and select com-
coness Medical research treating bone and pounds from its Mapping Array
Center agreement mineral diseases, program using Beth Israel's assays
[Michael Chorev] initially osteo- for biological actions on bone;
porosis (molec- active leads will be optimized via
ular nature of ArQule's Directed Array program;
compounds ND) ArQule will sponsor research and
gets option on exclusive license
to any new drug candidates (5/98)
Biota Holdings The Howard Florey License; Development of Biota will assist institute in char-
Ltd. (ASX:BTA; Institute of Experi- research neuroactive com- acterizing compound; Biota is
Australia) mental Physiology collaboration pound (not de- responsible for commercializing
and Medicine scribed) that affects research and will identify pharma-
(Australia) short-term memory ceutical partners for development
[Frederick as treatment for and commercialization (2/98)
Mendelsohn] Alzheimer's disease
and other memory-
related disorders
La Trobe Univer- Extension of Chemical anticancer Agreement dates from 4/97; Biota
sity (Australia) research compounds (mixed will extend its research support
[Les Deady] collaboration topoisomerase inhib- for another 12 months; university
itors) for treating will provide scaled up chemical
colon cancer and synthesis of selected drug leads
other solid tumors; for animal studies (1/98)
initiation of preclin-
ical development
Biovector National Institutes License DLS technology for Thierry, inventor of the technol-
Therapeutics of Health (NIH) drug delivery (includ- ogy, joined Biovector as director
SA* (France) [Alain Thierry] ing therapeutic of gene therapy and delivery; the
proteins); delivers NIH gets milestones and royalties
DNA via subcutane- on any products (5/98)
ous or intravenous
Boston Life Harvard University License BCLx-gamma gene; Boston Life gets rights to gene;
Sciences Inc. [Harvey Cantor] controls apoptosis further details ND (3/98)
in T cells
Cell City of Hope Joint Development of Joint venture is expansion of 2-
Therapeutics National Medical venture drugs that block year collaboration between 2
Inc. Center oxygen carrying parties; Cell Therapeutics will
molecules (including fund 1st 2 years of joint venture
reactive oxidized and provide technology in oxi-
lipids) that attack dized lipid chemistry; City of Hope
pancreas and cause contributes its rights to human
insulin resistance leukocyte 12-lipoxygenase (gen-
and other compli- erates oxidized lipids); Cell Ther-
cations of diabetes apeutics holds 70% of joint ven-
ture, City of Hope holds 30%;
financial terms ND (1/98)
Cadus Massachusetts Insti- License; Development of Project combines Cadus' yeast-
Pharmaceutical tute of Technology sponsored next-generation based drug discovery assays with
Corp. [Ian Hunter] research biochip screening Hunter's expertise in micro-robot-
agreement system; disposable ics (living machines) (1/98)
CD-sized screening
tool that will accom-
modate 100,000
cell-based assays on
a single chip
Chiron Stanford University Strategic Joint R&D program Multiyear agreement; Chiron gets
Diagnostics (Medical Informatics) partnership to develop clinical exclusive license to software
(business unit of decision support architecture; specific terms ND
Chiron Corp.) systems for health (1/98)
care enterprises; based
on Stanford's EON
software architecture
CoCensys Inc. Massachusetts License Use of neuroactive CoCensys gets exclusive world-
General Hospital steroids (epalons; in- wide rights to patent-pending
cluding ganaxolone) technology; further details ND
and other gamma (1/98)
amino butyric acid
(GABA) receptor
modulators for
treating migraine
Corixa Corp. Washington Univ- License Human mamma- Corixa gets exclusive option on
ersity, St. Louis globin (expressed worldwide diagnostic rights (it
[Timothy Fleming; specifically in adult previously acquired rights to gene
Mark Watson] mammary gland) as and gene products for use in tumor
marker for breast vaccines) (4/98)
cancer detection
Cortex Pharma- University of License Broad patent on use Cortex gets rights to patent that
ceuticals Inc. California, Irvine of any AMPA recep- broaden scope of its potential pro-
[Gary Lynch] tor-modulating com- ducts (5/98)
pound (which in-
creases synaptic
transmission) for
treating schizo-
CV The Cleveland Research Preclinical testing Parties will evaluate use of cell
Therapeutics Clinic Foundation collaboration of certain of CV's cycle inhibitors in combination
Inc. [Eric Topol] small molecule cell with drug delivery catheters and
cycle inhibitors as coatings on endoluminal stents;
(including CVT- further details ND (2/98)
313) to reduce
occurrence of
restenosis after
angioplasty due to
excessive prolifer-
ation of vascular cells
Cyanotech Corp. The Scripps License; Production of Cyanotech licensed the technology
Research Institute production Scripps' genetically to produce the antibody via its
engineered aldolase 2nd-generation algae cultivation
catalytic antibody technology PhytoMax; Scripps
38C2 in microalgae will provide genetically engineered
(for synthesis of live microalgae containing aldolase
certain anticancer protein to Cyanotech (4/98)
compounds and
other applications)
Cypros University of License Compounds that Cypros gets exclusive license to
Pharmaceutical Rhode Island selectively raise recently patented series of com-
Corp. levels of adenosine pounds; further details ND (2/98)
(a naturally occur-
ring cytoprotective
agent) in ischemic
Digital Gene The Scripps Research Use of Digital This is 1st project in company's
Technologies Research Institute collaboration Gene's TOGA tech- program of academic research
Inc.* [Peter Vogt; nology (total gene collaborations using its patented
Shu-Ling Fu] expression analysis) TOGA technology; institution gets
to identify and fee-free access to technology;
isolate genes that Digital Gene reserves rights to
are differentially commercial applications of discov-
expressed in chick- eries; institution gets share of net
en cells transformed revenues (4/98)
by jun oncogene
State University of Research Use of Digital This is 2nd project in program of
New York, collaboration Gene's TOGA tech- academic research collaborations;
Stony Brook nology (total gene if any products commercialized,
[Simon Halegoua] expression analysis) academic institution gets share of
to determine full net revenues (4/98)
array of genes that
regulate the neural
actions of growth
factors and cytokines
Enzo Biochem Hadassah University Research Preclinical analysis ND (4/98)
Inc. Hospital (Israel) collaboration of various therapeu-
tics via Enzo's
immune modulation
technologies, includ-
ing oral tolerization
EnzyMed Inc.* University of Iowa Research Testing of chemical 5-year agreement; if any targets
collaboration compounds gener- lead to marketed drugs, University
ated via EnzyMed's of Iowa shares in revenues; further
Bioactiv technology details ND (5/98)
for activity against/
affinity for biological
targets identified by
university scientists
GeneMedicine University of Research Development of GeneMedicine gets option for an
Inc. Texas Southwestern collaboration technology for tar- exclusive license to any discover-
Medical Center geting and manipu- ies or inventions; further details
at Dallas lating dendritic ND (5/98)
[Stephen Johnston; cells, which will be
Akira Takashima] used in genetic vac-
cines for cancer and
infectious diseases
Genetix Dana-Farber License Use of lentiviruses Genetix gets exclusive worldwide
Pharmaceuticals Cancer Institute as gene therapy license to issued patent and subse-
Inc.* [Joseph Sodroski] vectors quent patent applications (2/98)
Genome The Massachusetts Research Identification and Massachusetts General and Tufts
Therapeutics General Hospital collaboration characterization of will collect and analyze DNA
Corp. [Mason Freeman] gene that causes samples and histories from an
and Tufts University monogenic HDL extensive multigenerational family
[Ernst Schaefer] deficiency (low to facilitate cloning of target gene
levels of high-den- via Genome Therapeutics' sequenc-
sity lipoproteins in ing and gene identification capa-
blood; causes pre- bilities; Genome Therapeutics
mature heart gets exclusive license to commer-
disease) cialize any products (1/98)
Genzyme Corp. St. Elizabeth's Two research Development of For each separate agreement,
Medical Center of collaborations gene therapy prod- Genzyme will fund research and
Boston [Kenneth ucts to treat occlu- pay option fees; scientists get
Walsh] and The sive vascular dis- access to Genzyme's viral and
Johns Hopkins ease: Fas ligand nonviral vectors; Genzyme gets
University School gene therapy (to exclusive option to license tech-
of Medicine inhibit vascular nology (5/98)
[Gregg Semenza] smooth muscle pro-
liferation after
angioplasty; Walsh)
and HIF-1 gene
therapy (hypoxia-
inducible factor-1 is
expressed by cells
exposed to subnormal
levels of oxygen;
Genzyme Dana-Farber License Use of fusion cell Genzyme Molecular gets option
Molecular Cancer Institute technology to create for an exclusive license to technol-
Oncology [Donald Kufe] anticancer vaccine ogy; Genzyme Molecular will
(business unit of that stimulates fund research for 18 months (5/98)
Genzyme Corp.) immune response to
tumor (dendritic
cells are fused with
tumor cells)
Hyseq Inc. University of Research Use of Hyseq's se- This is 1st collaboration under
California, San collaboration quencing by hybridi- Hyseq's pharmacogenomics
Francisco zation technology to initiatives; UCSF will collect DNA
[John Kane] detect gene loci, samples from 20,000 genetically
genome mutations diverse individuals (many with
and polymorphisms related clinical histories); Hyseq
that can be used to gets exclusive right to commer-
diagnose and treat cialize the database and may make
cardiovascular dis- it available to 3rd parties (2/98)
eases; creation of
cardiovascular poly-
morphism database
Idun Thomas Jefferson License; Development of Idun gets exclusive license to
Pharmaceuticals University research caspases and other patent applications covering
Inc.* [Emad Alnemri] collaboration proteins that are key certain cell death proteins; further
regulators in apop- details ND (1/98)
tosis (includes
caspase-13, a pro-
tease; regulatory
proteins FLAMES
1 and 2 and TRAIL
receptors, members
of tumor necrosis
factor receptor
Ilex Oncology The Burnham License Development and Ilex gets license to technology;
Inc. Institute testing of compound Burnham gets a warrant to buy
[Erkki Ruoslahti; that links a tumor $5M in Ilex stock at 120% premi-
Renata Pasqualini] homing peptide to um to market; Burnham also gets
chemotherapeutic milestone payments and royalties
drug doxorubicin (3/98)
(THP-dox); binds to
and destroys blood
vessels that nourish
solid tumors and
releases doxorubicin
Imutec Pharma Harvard Medical Research Identification and Imutec will fund research; further
Inc. (TSE:IMT; School collaboration characterization of details ND (5/98)
Canada) [Jose Halperin] receptor associated
with anti-prolifer-
ative and anti-angio-
genic activity of
drug clotrimazole
National Cancer License; NCI will screen NCI gets royalty-free license to
Institute (NCI) of screening Imutec's anticancer compounds; further details ND
the National agreement compounds in its (3/98)
Institutes of Health panel of cancer cell
Interneuron Tulane University License Patent that covers Interneuron gets exclusive world-
Pharmaceuticals [Akira Arimura] two forms of the wide rights to patent and patent
Inc. neuropeptide applications; Interneuron will
PACAP (pituitary focus on developing one version
adenylate cyclase of PACAP, the 38-amino-acid
activating poly- form (PACAP38) which crosses
peptide) and their blood-brain barrier; Interneuron
analogues; for will fund research for 2 years, pay
treating stroke and up-front licensing fee, milestones
other neurodegen- and royalties (4/98)
erative diseases
Megabios Corp. University of License; Rheumatology; Megabios acquired patent rights
Pittsburgh two research in vivo and ex vivo and technology portfolio; Mega-
[Paul Robbins; collaborations gene-based thera- bios issued 0.12M shares of com-
Christopher Evans] pies for joint dis- mon stock to university in exchange
eases (viral and for exclusive license to family
nonviral delivery of patents and patent applications;
systems) Megabios established research and
consulting relationships with Rob-
bins and Evans; Megabios will fund
R&D at university labs and has
started in-house research programs
in rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthri-
tis and cartilage repair (3/98)
University of Research Rheumatology; Megabios established a collabora-
Pittsburgh collaboration gene-based therapies tion and consulting relationship
[Joseph Glorioso III] for joint diseases with Glorioso; Megabios gets
(rheumatoid arthritis, certain rights to intellectual pro-
osteoarthritis, perty and technology developed
cartilage repair) in the collaboration (4/98)
Micrologix The Protein License; Codevelopment of 4-year agreement; US$1.27M will
Biotech Inc. Engineering research diagnostics and be invested in program (50% by
(Canada) Network Centres collaboration therapeutics based Micrologix, 50% by Canadian
of Excellence on synthetic ana- National Centres of Excellence);
(PENCE; Canada) logues of family of Micrologix gets exclusive world-
[Robert Hodges; natural antimicro- license to technology for use in
Randall Irvin] bial peptides human and veterinary health care
and in agriculture (2/98)
Molecular University of Research DNA microarray University will provide technical
Dynamics Inc. Washington collaboration technology access expertise while gaining early
and Amersham [Leroy Hood] agreement; for con- access to integrated microarray
Pharmacia tinued development systems; companies will provide
Biotech (Sweden) of high-throughput microarray fabrication, hybridi-
microarray system zation and optical scanning instru-
(which compares mentation and software as well as
levels of gene matched reagents and consum-
expression in normal ables (1/98)
and diseased cells)
Myriad Genetics Rockefeller License Certain genes (not Myriad gets exclusive worldwide
Inc. University described) involved license on genes and rights to all
in control of cancer therapeutic and diagnostic appli-
cell growth cations (4/98)
Nabi Centers for Cooperative Determination of ND (4/98)
Disease Control Research and efficacy of Nabi-
and Prevention Development Civacir (human poly-
(U.S. Public Health Agreement clonal antibody to
Service) (CRADA) hepatitis C virus;
HCV) for preventing
or modifying HCV
infection in experi-
mentally infected
Nabi University of License Ring expanded Nabi gets exclusive worldwide
Maryland nucleoside (RENs) rights to make, use and sell prod-
[Ramachandra and nucleotide ucts based on technology (5/98)
Hosmane] (RENt) technology;
chemically synthe-
sized analogues with
antiviral, antimicro-
bial and antitumor
Neurotech SA* Kennedy Krieger Research Development of ND (3/98)
(France) Institute collaboration endothelial cell-
[John Laterra] based gene therapies
for treating glio-
blastoma (targeted
delivery of anti-
tumoral peptides)
NeXstar University of License CTLA-4 Blockade NeXstar gets exclusive option to
Pharmaceuticals California, technology for use license technology; further details
Inc. Berkeley as therapeutic vac- ND (5/98)
[James Allison] cine for cancer (may
be able to stimulate
immune system to
block tumor growth)
Oncor Inc. Yale University License Rolling circle ampli- Oncor exercised option from 1996
[Paul Lizardi] fication technology agreement to license RCAT and
(RCAT; isothermic obtained certain rights to technol-
nucleic acid ampli- ogy; Oncor also will participate in
fication system) for limited liability company together
use in diagnostics with Yale University and Molec-
for cancer, infec- ular Staging Inc. to commercial-
tious diseases, mo- ize RCAT through sublicenses
lecular genotyping, (3/98)
Origen North Carolina License Avian embryonic Origen gets exclusive license to
Therapeutics State University stem cell technol- broad technology platform for
Inc.* [James Petitte] ogies to enable all applications (1/98)
genetic engineering
of poultry; goal to
produce recombi-
nant human protein
therapeutics in
chicken eggs
OSI Vanderbilt Research Small molecule Collaboration ranges from drug
Pharmaceuticals University collaboration drugs for treating discovery and development to
Inc. Diabetes Center Type II diabetes; early clinical testing; further
initial focus on 4 details ND (4/98)
targets, including
hexokinase II and
other gene expres-
sion targets
Osiris The Institute for Research Role of mesenchy- 3-year agreement; Osiris will pro-
Therapeutics Cancer Research at collaboration mal stem cells (MSC) vide $1M in research funding in
Inc.* the University of and other stromal exchange for exclusive worldwide
Genoa (Italy) progenitor cells in rights to technology (3/98)
[Ranieri Cancedda] regenerating tissues
following damage due
to cancer chemothera-
py/radiation, ortho-
pedic injuries and
other connective
tissue disorders
Pacific Pennsylvania State License O6 benzyl guanine, Pacific Pharmaceuticals gets
Pharmaceuticals University series of compounds exclusive worldwide license in
Inc. [Anthony Pegg] that enhance anti- exchange for license fees, mile-
tumor activity of stones (to be paid in cash or stock)
chemotherapeutic and royalties; Paramount Capital
agents known as LLC acted as financial advisor to
O6 alkylators Pacific Pharmaceuticals (3/98)
(inactivates a DNA
repair enzyme)
Sarco Inc. Duke University Research Small molecule Sarco will use its combinatorial
(wholly owned sub- Medical Center collaboration compounds that chemistry to generate and refine
sidiary of Pharma- [Patrick Casey] inhibit geranyl gera- compound libraries for further
ceutical Product nyl and farnesyl study at Duke; Sarco will spon-
Development Inc.) farnesyl transfer- sor research and has option to
ases; for treating obtain exclusive license on any
cancer inventions (5/98)
Select Ontario Cancer License; Use of shiga-like Select Therapeutics gets exclusive
Therapeutics Institute (Canada) research toxin 1 (SLT-1) as worldwide rights to invention in
Inc. (OTC Bulletin [Jean Garlepy] collaboration agent to selectively return for research support and
Board: SLPU) and University of kill cancer cells in royalty payments (2/98)
Toronto Innovation bone marrow prior
Foundation to autologous stem
cell transplants in
cancer patients
Toronto Hospital License; Antibiotic therapies; Select Therapeutics will develop
for Sick Children research drugs that have been program for synthesis and testing
(Canada) collaboration chemically modified of new antibiotics; further details
to alter binding to ND (3/98)
and killing of bacterial
StressGen University of Miami License Heat shock transcrip- StressGen licensed family of
Biotechnologies [Richard Voellmy] tion factors (HSF), international patent applications
Corp. (Canada) molecules that regu- broadly covering mutated forms of
late production of HSFs; company will develop
stress proteins; to screening assays for small mole-
protect cells from cule drugs that either up- or down-
damage caused by regulate production of stress
ischemia/reperfusion proteins (2/98)
and by inflammatory
Synsorb Biotech University of License High-throughput Synsorb licensed technology and
Inc. (Canada) Alberta screening technol- has formed new subsidiary to de-
[Ole Hindsgaul; ogy that determines velop it; Synsorb will screen its
David Schriemer] if compounds have own carbo-hybrid library but will
agonist or antag- make technology available to
onist activity other companies (5/98)
T Cell Sciences Walter Reed Army Cooperative Combination of 5-year agreement; this expands on
Inc. Institute of Research Research and T Cell's comple- earlier CRADA that tested
(WRAIR) Development ment inhibition tech- TP10's ability to inhibit comple-
Agreement nology with WRAIR's ment activation by liposome-
(CRADA) liposome drug encapsulated hemoglobin; under
delivery system to the new CRADA, T Cell has
develop hemoglobin- exclusive rights to license all dis-
containing liposomes coveries (1/98)
as emergency blood
Targeted National Heart, Research Use of recombinant Targeted Genetics will provide its
Genetics Corp. Lung and Blood collaboration adeno-associated rAAV vector and other nonviral
Institute (NHLBI) viral (rAAV) vectors vectors to NHLBI; further details
of the National as well as nonviral ND (3/98)
Institutes of Health gene delivery vehi-
cles for targeted
gene transfer to liver
tissue and other
tissues in vivo
Trega Torrey Pines Discontinuation Design and syn- Agreement dates from 1992 and
Biosciences Inc. Institute for of research thesis of small was extended in 5/97 for 12
Molecular Studies agreement molecule combi- months; parties agreed to terminate
[Richard Houghten] natorial libraries agreement because of divergence
of respective research goals (1/98)
Tripos Inc. The Scripps Research Development of 2-year consulting and collaboration
Research Institute collaboration bioinformatics soft- agreement; Tripos gets exclusive
[Jeffrey Skolnick; ware applications distribution rights for software
Adam Godzik] for drug discovery; (4/98)
includes new Match-
Maker II software
for 3-D modeling
of protein structures
UroGenesys University of Cali- License Prostate stem cell UroGenesys gets exclusive world-
Inc.* fornia, Los Angeles antigen (PSCA) gene wide rights to gene; further details
[Robert Reiter] (up-regulated only in ND (2/98)
prostate cancer)
U.S. Bioscience National Cancer Cooperative Clinical develop- U.S. Bioscience already has an
Inc. Institute (NCI) of Research and ment of lodenosine exclusive worldwide license to
the National Insti- Development (formerly FddA; compound; NIH is conducting
tutes of Health (NIH) Agreement purine-based reverse Phase I trials in adult and pediatric
[Robert Yarchoan] (CRADA) transcriptase inhib- patients; U.S. Bioscience will con-
itor) for treating HIV tinue clinical development and
infection and AIDS seek regulatory approval (1/98)
Vaxcel Inc. University College License Genetically engineered Vaxel gets exclusive worldwide
(OTC Bulletin London (U.K.) and mutated beta- rights to technology; further
Board:VXCL) human chorionic details ND (3/98)
gonadotropin pro-
teins for use as immu-
nogens in therapeutic
cancer vaccines (com-
bined with Vaxcel's
Optivax copolymer
adjuvant technology)
Vimrx Columbia Formation of Drug discovery and Parties transformed former joint
Pharmaceuticals University joint venture development com- venture Vimrx Genomics Inc.
Inc. Ventiv pany focused on re- (gene discovery; formed 3/97)
Biogroup ceptor target involved into Ventiv Biogroup; Ventiv gets
in diabetic compli- gene discoveries already licensed
cations (RAGE; by Columbia to Vimrx Genomics,
receptor for ad- plus 3 Vimrx Pharmaceuticals
vanced glycation development programs; Ventiv is
end-products) 90% owned by Vimrx Pharma-
ceuticals and 10% owned by Col-
umbia; Ventiv acquired rights to
RAGE from Columbia, in exchange
for which it will pay $2M-$3M/year
for 3 years in research support,
plus milestones and royalties; Vimrx
Genomics' gene discovery collab-
oration with Columbia (from 11/97)
will cease, along with $30M in
funding; Ventiv retains options to
certain future gene discoveries in
exchange for $5.5M in funding
over 4 years (3/98)
Vion Yale University Expansion of Anticancer com- Vion expanded collaborations
Pharmaceuticals [Alan Sartorelli; two research pounds (including with both labs; Sartorelli gets
Inc. John Pawelek] collaborations Promycin, currently $0.6M over 3 years to support
in Phase III trials research; Pawelek gets $2.56M
for head and neck over 3 years to support research
cancer) that selec- (5/98)
tively target hypoxic
cancer cells (Sarto-
relli); TAPET tech-
nology (tumor ampli-
fied protein expres-
sion therapy), which
uses engineered bac-
teria to target antican-
cer therapy to solid
tumors (Pawelek)
Viragen Inc. German Red Cross Supply White blood cells to Long-term agreement; Viragen
blood banks agreement be used in making has preferential access to 100% of
(Germany) Viragen's 2nd-gen- human white blood cells collected
eration multispecies by blood banks (3/98)
natural alpha inter-
feron, Omniferon
Viragen Inc. Netherlands blood Supply White blood cells to Preliminary agreement to form
banks agreement be used in making long-term exclusive supply agree-
(the Netherlands) Viragen's 2nd-gen- ment; parties also will develop a
eration multispecies natural interferon treatment pro-
natural alpha inter- gram for the Netherlands; specific
feron, Omniferon terms ND (2/98)
Virus Research Harvard University License Immunotherapy Virus Research Institute gets
Institute Inc. delivery system exclusive worldwide license;
Therapore (consists further details ND (1/98)
of 2 bacterial pro-
teins that trans-
port polypeptides
into cells to induce
immune responses)
Vysis Inc. University Hospital Research Use of Vysis' DNA Vysis gets exclusive rights to com-
of Vrije Universiteit collaboration probe technology to mercialize fetal-cell markers as
at Amsterdam (the develop fetal-cell part of its noninvasive prenatal
Netherlands) identification mark- test; terms ND (4/98)
ers (to detect genetic
abnormalities in
fetal cells present in
maternal circulation)
Xenova The Institute of Strategic Establishment of ND (1/98)
Discovery Ltd. Grassland and alliance phytochemistry
(subsidiary of Environmental group that will apply
Xenova Group Research (Wales) Xenova's microbial
plc; U.K.) drug discovery tech-
niques to search for
bioactive compounds
from European and
tropical plants
ASX: Australian Stock Exchange; ND = Not disclosed, reported and/or available; TSE = Toronto Stock Exchange
* Private companies are indicated with an asterisk.
** Unless otherwise noted, the trading symbols for public biotechnology companies can be found by referring to the BioWorld Stock Report For Public Biotechnology Companies on pp. 15-16.