Carrington Laboratories Inc. announced Wednesday the resultsof an early-phase clinical trial in Canada of oral acemannan in60 patients with advanced AIDS.

The 48-week trials studied the effects of acemannan -- givenin addition to AZT -- on the decline of CD4 cells, the primaryindicator of HIV disease progression.

The results demonstrated that early decreases in CD4 countswere offset by statistically significant stabilization betweenweeks 16 and 48 in the acemannan group compared withplacebo. But at 48 weeks, the groups did not differ statisticallywith regard to CD4 counts.

The study confirmed that acemannan is a safe medication.Carrington Laboratories of Irving, Texas, was not available forfurther comment.

The company's stock (ASE:CRN) was up $2 a share to $14.25 onWednesday

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