A single injection of SOD1-targeting RNA into the subpial space, which is below the innermost meningeal layer, was able to spread throughout the spinal cord and, via retrograde delivery, into brain centers that project to the spinal cord in several animal models, including primates.
LONDON – While large-scale biobanks that link genomics to longitudinal health records of diagnosis, treatment and outcomes promise to revolutionize the understanding of the genetics of complex disease, the detailed statistical analysis of those high-dimensional data is still very much in its infancy.
Researchers at Duke University have developed a bandage that concentrates adenosine at the site of a fracture and speeds bone repair. In animal testing, the bandage accelerated bone healing by 20% to 25%, lead researcher Shyni Varghese told BioWorld MedTech.
A Chinese study has established a previously unknown direct mechanistic link between elevated mechanical tension caused by impaired alveolar regeneration and progressive idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), highlighting a pathogenic mechanism that may underlie fibrosis.