By preventing ice formation while cooling human livers below freezing, researchers have managed to extend the viable lifespan of donated livers threefold.
Telomerase's reputation is that it has an important role in maintaining the ability of stem cells to divide through maintaining telomeres, the structures at the tips of chromosomes that shorten with each replication cycle.
Plasma coagulation factor VII (FVII), FIX and FX have been shown to be effective antibacterial proteins against drug-resistant gram-negative bacteria and may offer alternative strategies for combating the increasingly urgent global health threat posed by those resistant pathogens.
LONDON – The largest-ever genomics study of Clostridium difficile has found an emerging new species of the bacterium is selected to thrive on a Western sugar-rich diet and to produce high levels of resistant spores, adapting it to maximize transmission in hospitals and other health care facilities.
Sexual dimorphism in gene expression is widespread across chromosomes, and is partially conserved across species from mice to humans, the first study to investigate such differences both across species and across tissues has found.
Researchers at the Weizmann Institute and the German Cancer Research Center have identified a role for the gut microbiome in modulating amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
The CRISPR genome editing technique has been used to activate a close relative of the gene that is mutated in muscular dystrophy type 1A, preventing development of the disease in mouse-model neonates and reversing symptoms in mice with established pathology.
MEXICO CITY – Ten years after the RV144 "Thai trial" was the first to show that an effective HIV vaccine was possible, three efficacy trials for HIV vaccines are once again underway.