Company Product Description Indication Status
Agendia NV, of Amsterdam Mammaprint Risk-stratification test Identifying which premenopausal women with breast cancer have an ultra-low risk tumor separately from low-risk tumors Study in Journal of Clinical Oncology, from the landmark MINDACT trial, found women 50 years old or younger with Mammaprint ultra-low risk results, most of whom did not undergo chemotherapy, had five-year metastasis-free survival of 97.1% with endocrine therapy alone, indicating women at ultra-low risk can be spared irreversible loss of ovarian function associated with chemotherapy
Altpep Corp., of Seattle Soluble Oligomer Binding Assay (SOBA) Diagnostic for Alzheimer's disease and other amyloid diseases Early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease and other amyloid diseases In study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers tested 379 human plasma samples from 310 patients; SOBA detected amyloid beta toxic oligomers in patients onthe Alzheimer's diseae continuum and discriminated other forms of dementia with 99% sensitivity and specificity; also identified 13 samples from cognitively normal controls with high toxic oligomer levels; in later years, 12 of the 13 progressed to mild cognitive impairment (one was lost to follow-up); further, use of SOBA in CSF samples deteted Parkinson's disease-associated toxic oligomers and discriminated between Parkinson's and Alzheimer's patients
Emulate Inc., of Boston Emulate Liver-Chip Human liver-on-a-chip Predicting drug-induced liver injury as part of drug safety analysis for preclinical testing of small-molecule drugs in development In study publised in Nature Communications Medicine, researchers assess performance of 870 emulate human Liver-Chips across a blinded set of 27 known hepatotoxic and non-toxic drugs; the tested drugs included seven matched pairs that demonstrated the chip's ability to distinguish toxic drugs from their less toxic structural analogs; the Emulate human Liver-Chip correctly identified 87% of the tested drugs that caused drug-induced liver injury in patients despite passing animal testing evaluations and did not falsely identify any drugs as toxic, resuling in a 100% specificity and supporting its use in toxicology screening


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