Company* (Country; Symbol)

Company* (Country; Symbol)


Terms/Details (Date)


Ingenuity Systems*

Ingenuity Pathways Analysis product

Ingenuity will deliver the product to Affymetrix customers; Affymetrix made an undisclosed equity investment in Ingenuity (8/11)

Inc. (LSE:AKR)

The Medicines Co. (MDCO)

Akers' Rapid HeparinPlatelet Factor-4 antibody test

The Medicines Co. will increase awareness and market the test once it receives regulatory approval (7/2)

Cell Technologies*

Pierce Inc.*

Products used in the sequential process of target identification and validation specific to kinases, phosphatases and ADME-TOX

Companies formed a co-marketing agreement for the Pierce IQ Kinase Assay Platform and the ACTIV-Tox Drug Discovery Platform of Amphioxus Cell (8/13)

Cobra Biomanufacturing (UK;LSE:CBF)

Advaxis Inc.*

Listeria monocytogenes-based cancer vaccine's active ingredient

Cobra won a contract to supply the active ingredient for a Listeria monocytogenes-based cancer vaccine to Advaxis (8/6**)


Meridian Bioscience Inc. (VIVO)

A recombinant Trypanosoma cruzi (Chagas' disease) antigen

Meridian is producing the antigen at its laboratories located at Viral Antigens Inc.; the antigen known as TcF will be marketed to diagnostic test manufacturers for use in production of test kits for blood bank screening and other diagnostic applications (7/21)


(division of
Linden Technologies

Amplification kits for research use

Linden will manufacture and sell the kits for research use directed to linear mRNA amplification technology exclusively licensed to Incyte (7/7)

plc* (UK)

Vaccinex Inc.*

Recombinant proteins and antibody products

Lonza will provide Vaccinex, its clients and partners with access to its Glutamine Synthetase Gene Expression system; Lonza also will provide access to its cGMP manu- facturing facilities for the clinical pro- duction of recombinant proteins and anti-body products (7/11)

MDS Sciex
(division of MDS
Inc.; Canada; NYSE:MDZ; TSE:MDS)

LEAP Technologies

NanoLC proteomics system

LEAP will distribute the new NanoLC proteomics system in the U.S. (8/5)

Progenitor Cell Therapy LLC*

Proneuron Biotechnologies Inc.*

Clinical trial-grade human cells

Progenitor Cell will manufacture auto- logous cells for evaluating therapeutic efficacy in patients with recent spinal cord damage, using Proneuron's ProCord technology (6/25)

Qiagen NV (the Netherlands; QGENF)

Intradigm Corp.*

Small interfering RNA

Qiagen will manufacture and provide Intradigm with siRNA agents for research programs in several disease areas, including oncology, arthritis and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection (7/8)


# The information in the chart does not cover agricultural agreements.

* Private companies are indicated with an asterisk. ** Denotes the date the item ran in BioWorld International.

Unless otherwise noted, stock symbols listed are on the Nasdaq market.

LSE = London Stock Exchange; NYSE = New York Stock Exchange; TSE = Toronto Stock Exchange.