European Commission investigators crashed the doors of 9 drug companies early this year, demanding confidential documents and evidence of anti-competitive practices. Even though the EC admitted no evidence of wrong-doing was found, the found that pharma markets were not working "as well as they might."

In a new BioWorld Today and Medical Device Daily audio briefing, litigator James Killick explains exactly what you need to know in order to be prepared. There is no suggestion that these raids have come to an end. You will also learn what to expect once the preliminary report is released this fall.

"EU Dawn Raids: Will Your Company Be Next" is just $199 per listening site. Scheduled for September 11th, from 11-11:45 a.m., it includes presentation handouts and a Q&A session with the speaker. A briefing CD (MP3 format) is also available. Please call 800-688-2421 or 404-262-5474 and mention briefing code T08512.